Monday, January 10, 2011

A Fresh Start

I love starting things.  Starting new projects. Meeting new friends. Planning a new trip. Waking up with a new idea.  Writing in a fresh, crisp journal. Opening a blank Word Document. Discovering new and exciting social connections. (580 friends now on Twitter!  In just a few days - exciting!)

That's probably why I love Mondays.  A fresh start to the week!  All my goals and dreams and (often) futile efforts at an organized life are re-born and I can start again. After being completely energized at church to live my life to the fullest for Jesus, I wake up with a spring in my step!

I usually like to wake up early on Mondays to pray, but I forgot to set my alarm last night, so that will get pushed to naptime... but regardless, just because I "failed" on my own plans withing 10 seconds of this new week, I won't let it get me down.

So as I clean up the dishes, I can tell God all about my goals and dreams for the week.  (I'm so glad that He is never to busy for my unplanned appointments.)

What about you?  Do you like Mondays? Do you like having a fresh start? And does your love of starting things sometimes affect your ability to finish things?

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